Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
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[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.6 GB]
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Genre: Action Drama Sci-Fi
Director: Rupert Wyatt
Year: 2011
Runtime: 105 min
Budget: 90,000,000 $
Official site: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
Plot Summary
Will Rodman is a scientist working on a cure for Alzheimer's, and he has a strong motivation for doing so. His father, Charles Rodman, is slowly wasting away from the disease. Will's research requires him to experiment on chimpanzees in order to develop the cure, but just when he appears to have the final cure discovered, a tragic accident cuts off all of his funding and requires all of the experimental apes to be destroyed. However, Will takes pity on one infant chimp and decides to take it home. Charles names the chimp Caesar.
As Caesar is adopted by the family, Will soon discovers that Caesar may have been affected by the miracle cure. In fact, it has increased his intelligence. Will is excited by the possibility of saving his father's life, yet he overlooks the implications of raising a hyper-intelligent chimp. It not only will have devastating impacts on his family, but the entire world.
[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.6 GB]
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Genre: Action Drama Sci-Fi
Director: Rupert Wyatt
Year: 2011
Runtime: 105 min
Budget: 90,000,000 $
Official site: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
Plot Summary
Will Rodman is a scientist working on a cure for Alzheimer's, and he has a strong motivation for doing so. His father, Charles Rodman, is slowly wasting away from the disease. Will's research requires him to experiment on chimpanzees in order to develop the cure, but just when he appears to have the final cure discovered, a tragic accident cuts off all of his funding and requires all of the experimental apes to be destroyed. However, Will takes pity on one infant chimp and decides to take it home. Charles names the chimp Caesar.
As Caesar is adopted by the family, Will soon discovers that Caesar may have been affected by the miracle cure. In fact, it has increased his intelligence. Will is excited by the possibility of saving his father's life, yet he overlooks the implications of raising a hyper-intelligent chimp. It not only will have devastating impacts on his family, but the entire world.
DescriereRO | [-] |
Un grup de oameni de stiinta din orasul San Francisco se folosesc de maimute pentru a testa un medicament revolutionar menit sa vindece pacientii care sufera de Alzheimer, cercetatorul Will Rodman fiind obsedat de ideea de a continua experimentul, in pofida reactiilor adverse pe care le are administrarea respectivului leac asupra primatelor. Studiind cu atentie comportamentul unui cimpanzeu botezat Caesar, care pare sa astepte cu nerabdare momentul in care isi primeste pastila, geneticienii constata ca unul dintre efectele adverse este cresterea neobisnuita a nivelului de inteligenta al subiectilor, fapt dovedit de testele tomografice efectuate asupra creierului maimutelor din laborator. Desi Caroline este ingrijorata de directia in care se indreapta acest experiment scapat de sub control, nu reuseste sa il convinga pe Will sa renunte, iar Caesar devine in fiecare zi mai destept si mai avid de putere si se transforma in liderul unei rebeliuni a maimutelor impotriva oamenilor. Pe masura ce Terra este invadata de primatele inteligente si periculoase, iar intre rasa umana si maimute izbucneste un razboi devastator, specialistii in inginerie genetica trebuie sa gaseasca solutii pentru a-i impiedica pe subiectii experimentului sa ii transforme pe oameni in sclavi.
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