miercuri, 7 martie 2012

The Grey

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[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.7 GB]
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Genre: Action Adventure Drama
Director: Joe Carnahan
Year: 2011
Runtime: 117 min
Budget: 34,000,000 $

Plot Summary
Working hundreds of miles away, in what seems like the end of the Earth, away from your friends and loved ones is very difficult, especially when all you have to keep you going are your memories and photos. This is the situation for a group of workers and friends, who work for an oil company. Their time working away from home is up and they are all in good spirits about returning home. Unfortunately, the flight isn�t as smooth as expected and the plane crashes, in the middle of nowhere. Now they have to face up to reality that the chances of someone coming to find them are minimal and they only have themselves to rely on for survival. Liam Neeson plays Ottway, who becomes the leader of the group and he is determined that they will escape the hostile environment of Alaska, where nature, even though beautiful is no friend to those unprepared, for what it can throw at you. At first the group manage to keep their spirits up due to the great comradeship that they have between them, but that soon changes when a pack of wolves become far too interested in them. Protecting their patch and seeing the group as food, the wolves are vicious and relentless in their perserverance, of hunting the party. Will any of the men escape? For now they have two enemies to fight. The trailer, though short really portrays the desperation felt by the men, Liam Nelson, as always plays a convincing role.
Un grup de muncitori petroli�ti condu�i de c�tre Ottway se pr�bu�esc cu avionul �n regiunea de tundr� din Alaska �n timp ce se �ntorceau spre cas�, fiind for�a�i s� se confrunte cu gerul crunt, lipsa de provizii �i o hait� fl�m�nd� de lupi pentru care ei nu reprezint� dec�t o prad�. Grav r�ni�i �n urma pr�bu�irii aparatului de zbor �n care c�l�toreau, izola�i �n s�lb�ticie, neobi�nui�i cu temperatura at�t de sc�zut�, cu v�ntul �fichiuitor �i cu furtunile de z�pad�, f�r� rezerve de alimente �i ap� potabil� �i f�r� arme cu ajutorul c�rora s� se apere de animalele s�lbatice, supravie�uitorii se afl� �ntr-o situa�ie-limit�. Ataca�i �n mod constant de haita de lupi, oamenii trebuie s� improvizeze a�a-zise arme cu care s� �in� la distan�� animalele, folosindu-se de toate cuno�tin�ele �i abilit��ile de care dispun pentru a r�m�ne �n via��, Ottway lupt�nd cu �nver�unare �mpotriva condi�iilor atmosferice vitrege �i a faunei din zon� pentru a se �ntoarce �n bra�ele so�iei pe care o ador� �i pe care o poart� �n g�ndurile lui �n permanen��, la fel cum �i p�streaz� cu sfin�enie fotografia.


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