Crazy Stupid Love
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[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-700 MB]
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Genre: Comedy Drama Romance
Director: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
Year: 2011
Runtime: 118 min
Budget: 50,000,000$
Official site: Crazy Stupid Love
Plot Summary
Cal and Emily have been married for over 20 years. But when Cal learns that Emily had an affair he moves out. He would then go to a bar and whine about what happened. Jacob, a regular at the bar, upon hearing his woes offers to help him. By giving him a makeover and teaching him how to be a player. It isn't long before he's picking up someone frequently. But eventually he realizes he still loves Emily and wishes he could go back. At the same time his son is nursing a crush on his baby sitter who doesn't feel the same way. And even Jacob gets a new outlook when starts to feel something about a girl he tried to pick up earlier, but turned him down because she has a boyfriend. Written by
[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-700 MB]
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Genre: Comedy Drama Romance
Director: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa
Year: 2011
Runtime: 118 min
Budget: 50,000,000$
Official site: Crazy Stupid Love
Plot Summary
Cal and Emily have been married for over 20 years. But when Cal learns that Emily had an affair he moves out. He would then go to a bar and whine about what happened. Jacob, a regular at the bar, upon hearing his woes offers to help him. By giving him a makeover and teaching him how to be a player. It isn't long before he's picking up someone frequently. But eventually he realizes he still loves Emily and wishes he could go back. At the same time his son is nursing a crush on his baby sitter who doesn't feel the same way. And even Jacob gets a new outlook when starts to feel something about a girl he tried to pick up earlier, but turned him down because she has a boyfriend. Written by
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Cal Weaver este casatorit cu iubita lui din perioada liceului, are doi copii reusiti pe nume Molly si Robbie, o casa frumoasa si un serviciu la care merge cu placere, motiv pentru care se considera implinit atat din punct de vedere familial, cat si din punct de vedere profesional. Atunci cand afla ca sotia sa Emily ii este infidela si vrea sa divorteze de el, barbatul simte ca viata lui aparent perfecta se destrama si incepe sa-si petreaca serile libere intr-un bar local. Luat sub aripa ocrotitoare de catre playboy-ul Jacob Palmer, Cal este invatat cum sa se imbrace si cum sa flirteze cu femeile si in scurta vreme incepe sa aiba succes la reprezentantele sexului opus, chiar daca nu a mai iesit la intalniri romantice de aproximativ doua decenii. Numai ca stilul de viata rafinat pe care il deprinde de la tanarul sau mentor nu ii confera satisfactiile pe care i se oferea in trecut familia, iar Cal tanjeste in continuare dupa Emily si dupa beneficiile casniciei, sperand sa o recucereasca pe nevasta care l-a parasit. Intre timp, Jacob Palmer se indragosteste de Hannah, iar adolescentul Robbie este innebunit dupa bona lui Jessica Riley, care a dezvoltat insa o pasiune pentru tatal sau.
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