The Hangover Part II
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[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.5 GB]
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Todd Phillips
Year: 2011
Runtime: 102 min
Budget: 80,000,000$
Official site: The Hangover Part II
Plot Summary
Stu is getting married. Along with Doug, Phil, and his soon-to-be brother-in-law Teddy, he regretfully invites Alan to Thailand for the wedding. After a quiet night on the beach with a beer and toasting marshmallows by the camp fire, Stu, Alan and Phil wake up in a seedy apartment in Bangkok. Doug is back at the resort, but Teddy is missing, there's a monkey with a severed finger, Alan's head is shaved, Stu has a tattoo on his face, and they can't remember any of it. The wolf-pack retrace their steps through strip clubs, tattoo parlors and cocaine-dealing monkeys on the streets of Bangkok as they try and find Teddy before the wedding. Written by napierslogs
[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.5 GB]
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Todd Phillips
Year: 2011
Runtime: 102 min
Budget: 80,000,000$
Official site: The Hangover Part II
Plot Summary
Stu is getting married. Along with Doug, Phil, and his soon-to-be brother-in-law Teddy, he regretfully invites Alan to Thailand for the wedding. After a quiet night on the beach with a beer and toasting marshmallows by the camp fire, Stu, Alan and Phil wake up in a seedy apartment in Bangkok. Doug is back at the resort, but Teddy is missing, there's a monkey with a severed finger, Alan's head is shaved, Stu has a tattoo on his face, and they can't remember any of it. The wolf-pack retrace their steps through strip clubs, tattoo parlors and cocaine-dealing monkeys on the streets of Bangkok as they try and find Teddy before the wedding. Written by napierslogs
DescriereRO | [-] |
Dupa petrecerea memorabila a burlacilor pe care Phil Wenneck, Alan Garner si Stu Price i-au organizat-o bunului lor prieten Doug Billings in Las Vegas, prilej cu care, dupa o crunta noapte de betie, grupul a constatat ca viitorul mire este de negasit cu 24 de ore inainte de nunta, prin camera lor de hotel se plimba nestinherit un tigru, in debara plange un bebelus a carui mama este o dansatoare de striptease si pe urmele lor se afla un gangster asiatic pe nume Mr. Chow, Stu nu vrea sa isi asume niciun risc inainte de propria casatorie si isi invita amicii in Thailanda la o masa care se vrea complet lipsita de peripetii. Numai ca socoteala de acasa nu se potriveste cu cea din targ si blajinul Stu Price invata pe pielea lui ca aventurile de care poate avea parte in Bangkok sunt mai salbatice decat cele pe care le ofera Las Vegas-ul, trezindu-se tatuat pe fata in stilul pugilistului Mike Tyson de catre un specialist in tatuaje irlandez stabilit in Thailanda si avandu-l din nou ca un ghimpe in coaste pe mafiotul Mr. Chow, care are ceva de impartit cu cei patru nord-americani pusi pe sotii.
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