duminică, 30 octombrie 2011

The Change Up

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[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.36 GB]
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Genre: Comedy
Director: David Dobkin
Year: 2011
Runtime: 112 min
Budget: 52,000,000 $
Official site: The Change Up

Plot Summary
Growing up together, Mitch (Ryan Reynolds) and Dave (Jason Bateman) were inseparable best friends, but as the years have passed they've slowly drifted apart. While Dave is an overworked lawyer, husband and father of three, Mitch has remained a single, quasi-employed man-child who has never met a responsibility he liked. To Mitch, Dave has it all: beautiful wife Jamie (Leslie Mann), kids who adore him and a high-paying job at a prestigious law firm. To Dave, living Mitch's stress-free life without obligation or consequence would be a dream come true. Following a drunken night out together, Mitch and Dave's worlds are turned upside down when they wake up in each other's bodies and proceed to freak out. Despite the freedom from their normal routines and habits, the guys soon discover that each other's lives are nowhere near as rosy as they once seemed. Further complicating matters are Dave's sexy legal associate...
Dave este angajat la o prestigioasa firma de avocatura, s-a casatorit cu Jamie si a devenit tatal a doi bebelusi, fiind atat de obosit si stresat atat la locul de munca, cat si acasa incat viseaza sa isi schimbe existenta cotidiana cu cea a bunului sau prieten Mitch, un actor aspirant care nu a avut niciodata o slujba stabila, nu s-a trezit de doua ori consecutiv in acelasi pat si nu stie cum sa jongleze mai bine cu femeile sexy care roiesc in jurul lui si i se ofera pe tava. Dupa o noapte crunta de betie, cei doi amici urineaza intr-o fantana publica si isi exprima dorinta de a trai viata celuilalt, iar atunci cand se trezesc in dimineata urmatoare constata cu stupoare ca au facut schimb de trupuri. Desi iresponsabilul, libertinul si indolentul Mitch are ocazia de a experimenta viata de familie pentru care l-a invidiat pe amicul lui din copilarie, iar seriosul si responsabilul Dave poate beneficia de avantajele pe care i se confera statutul de burlac, curtand-o pe frumoasa colega de serviciu Sabrina, in scurta vreme cei doi barbati incep sa tanjeasca dupa fostele vieti si sa caute o solutie de a-si recupera corpurile.


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