Captain America: The First Avenger
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[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.1 GB]
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Genre: Action Adventure Sci-Fi
Director: Joe Johnston
Year: 2011
Runtime: 124 min
Budget: 140,000,000$
Official site: Captain America: The First Avenger
Plot Summary
It is 1942, America has entered World War II, and sickly but determined Steve Rogers is frustrated at being rejected yet again for military service. Everything changes when Dr. Erksine recruits him for the secret Project Rebirth. Proving his extraordinary courage, wits and conscience, Rogers undergoes the experiment and his weak body is suddenly enhanced into the maximum human potential. When Dr. Erksine is then immediately assassinated by an agent of Nazi Germany's head of its secret HYDRA research department, Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull, Rogers is left as a unique man who is initially misused as a propaganda mascot. However, when his comrades need him, Rogers goes on a successful adventure that truly makes him Captain America and his war against Schmidt begins. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (
[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.1 GB]
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Genre: Action Adventure Sci-Fi
Director: Joe Johnston
Year: 2011
Runtime: 124 min
Budget: 140,000,000$
Official site: Captain America: The First Avenger
Plot Summary
It is 1942, America has entered World War II, and sickly but determined Steve Rogers is frustrated at being rejected yet again for military service. Everything changes when Dr. Erksine recruits him for the secret Project Rebirth. Proving his extraordinary courage, wits and conscience, Rogers undergoes the experiment and his weak body is suddenly enhanced into the maximum human potential. When Dr. Erksine is then immediately assassinated by an agent of Nazi Germany's head of its secret HYDRA research department, Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull, Rogers is left as a unique man who is initially misused as a propaganda mascot. However, when his comrades need him, Rogers goes on a successful adventure that truly makes him Captain America and his war against Schmidt begins. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (
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Filmul este bazat pe celebrele benzi desenate cu acelasi nume. Un ser experimental pentru armata Statelor Unite l-a transformat pe Steve Rogers, dintr-un papa-lapte slabanog intr-un titan plin de muschi. El a fost cel mai mare erou al Americii in timpul celui de-al doilea rozboi mondial, drept urmare si-a luat numele de Capitanul America. Acesta si-a petrecut cea mai mare parte din razboi, luptandu-se cu nazistii si aparandu-si propria tara. Punctele forte ale Capitanului America sunt: costumul sau antiglont, scutul sau facut din aliaj de smalt si titaniu, care il face indestructibil, si o agilitate supraomeneasca: poate alerga o mila in mai putin de un minut. Acesta a jurat ca daca America are nevoie de un erou care sa lupte cu fortele raului, el va fi acela.
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