marți, 10 ianuarie 2012

Johnny English Reborn

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Genre: Adventure Comedy Thriller
Director: Oliver Parker
Year: 2011
Runtime: min
Budget: 45,000,000$
Official site: Johnny English

Plot Summary
Rowan Atkinson returns to the role of the accidental secret agent who doesn't know fear or danger in the comedy spy-thriller Johnny English Reborn. In his latest adventure, the most unlikely intelligence officer in Her Majesty's Secret Service must stop a group of international assassins before they eliminate a world leader and cause global chaos. In the years since MI-7's top spy vanished off the grid, he has been honing his unique skills in a remote region of Asia. But when his agency superiors learn of an attempt against the Chinese premier's life, they must hunt down the highly unorthodox agent. Now that the world needs him once again, Johnny English is back in action. With one shot at redemption, he must employ the latest in hi-tech gadgets to unravel a web of conspiracy that runs throughout the KGB, CIA and even MI-7. With mere days until a heads of state conference, one man must use every trick in his playbook to protect us all. For Johnny English, disaster may be an option, but failure never is. Written by Universal Pictures.
Dupa ce in urma cu 5 ani a ratat o misiune importanta in Mozambic, agentul secret Johnny English s-a simtit atat de rusinat incat a decis sa se autoizoleze intr-o pestera din Tibet pana in momentul in care superiorii lui ierarhici din MI 7 vor fi dispusi sa ii treaca cu vederea stangacia si sa il recheme in Anglia pentru a-i incredinta o noua sarcina. Contactat de catre staretul unei manastiri din vecinatate, englezul care obisnuieste sa intre in bucluc ori de cate ori ar trebui sa isi demonstreze calitatile de spion de top aflat in slujba reginei Elisabeta a II-a a Marii Britanii este instruit in domeniul artelor martiale si trimis la Londra pentru a-si spala reputatia. Intrucat se apropie o conferinta la care sunt asteptati sa participe liderii politici ai celor mai de seama state din lume, iar sefii de la MI 7 detin informatii ca un grup de asasini profesionisti intentioneaza sa il ucida pe primul-ministru al Chinei, veteranul Johnny English este considerat persoana potrivita pentru a dejuca planurile criminalilor si pentru a salva onoarea serviciilor secrete engleze. Echipat cu dispozitive high-tech de ultima generatie si recurgand la metodele neortodoxe care l-au consacrat, Johnny English dezvaluie o conspiratie in care sunt implicati mai multi politicieni de varf.


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