Seeking Justice
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[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.7 GB]
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Genre: Action Drama Thriller
Director: Roger Donaldson
Year: 2011
Runtime: 105 min
Plot Summary
A beloved high school teacher empowers a group of vigilantes to exact revenge against the criminal who attacked his wife, but begins to regret his decision when the clandestine crime-fighters demand that he kill a man in return. Will Gerard (Nicolas Cage) and his wife Laura (January Jones) were just your typical happy couple until the night a shocking act of violence left them feeling victimized and vulnerable. Later, as Laura begins her slow recovery in the hospital, a concerned stranger (Guy Pearce) approaches Will with an offer to save them the suffering of a drawn out trial by promptly dispatching his wife's assailant. Though the help he offers is free of charge, the stranger makes it clear that he may call on Will to repay the favor sometime in the future. When that day comes and Will realizes the true price of revenge is too high for him to pay, the men who once agreed to help him suddenly become his worst enemies. Jennifer Carpenter and Harold Perrineau, Jr. co-star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi.
[Format-AVI] [Language-English] [Size-1.7 GB]
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Genre: Action Drama Thriller
Director: Roger Donaldson
Year: 2011
Runtime: 105 min
Plot Summary
A beloved high school teacher empowers a group of vigilantes to exact revenge against the criminal who attacked his wife, but begins to regret his decision when the clandestine crime-fighters demand that he kill a man in return. Will Gerard (Nicolas Cage) and his wife Laura (January Jones) were just your typical happy couple until the night a shocking act of violence left them feeling victimized and vulnerable. Later, as Laura begins her slow recovery in the hospital, a concerned stranger (Guy Pearce) approaches Will with an offer to save them the suffering of a drawn out trial by promptly dispatching his wife's assailant. Though the help he offers is free of charge, the stranger makes it clear that he may call on Will to repay the favor sometime in the future. When that day comes and Will realizes the true price of revenge is too high for him to pay, the men who once agreed to help him suddenly become his worst enemies. Jennifer Carpenter and Harold Perrineau, Jr. co-star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi.
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Profesorul de liceu Will Gerard �i muziciana Laura Gerard se iubesc �i au o c�snicie reu�it�, �ns� via�a lor de familie este pus� la �ncercare �ntr-o sear� �n care femeia se �ntoarce acas� dup� c�derea �ntunericului �i este atacat� �n mod brutal la c�teva secunde dup� ce urc� �n ma�in� �i se preg�te�te s� r�suceasc� cheia �n contact. �n timp ce Laura zace �n stare grav� pe un pat de spital, cu hemoragie intern� �i multiple contuzii, pe �ndureratul �i furiosul ei so� �l abordeaz� un str�in pe nume Simon, care pretinde c� face parte dintr-o organiza�ie secret� ce are drept scop pedepsirea infractorilor �n spiritul legii talionului, iar nu aducerea lor �n fa�a instan�ei de judecat�, oferindu-se s� se r�zbune �n numele lui pe agresorul care i-a abuzat nevasta. De�i este intrigat de propunerea neortodox�, Will Gerard �ncheie un pact de tip faustian cu b�rbatul misterios, iar agresorul Laurei este asasinat, situa�ia complic�ndu-se atunci c�nd Simon �i camarazii lui �i cer s� respecte partea lui de �n�elegere �i s� ucid� un om pentru ei. De�i refuz� s� �i p�teze m�inile cu s�nge, profesorul este �ntre ciocan �i nicoval� �i nu poate apela nici m�car la sprijinul autorit��ilor fiindc� unii dintre membri grupului cu care s-a �ncurcat sunt poli�i�ti.
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